Over the past year I was given the opportunity to teach Sunday School to From 1 children, ages 6-8. Given free reign to choose a curriculum, I knew that I was going to use J. Paterson Smyth's guides without hesitation. We have been using them in our home for 2 years now, and I haven't found a children's commentary that has so much depth and insight, not only into historical background, foreshadowing, and spiritual lessons, but also one that gives the teacher (You) examples of real life application. Charlotte Mason herself recommends them in volume 1 of Home Education. I know of no better help in the teaching of young children than we get in Canon Paterson Smyth's Bible for the Young. (...) The moral and spiritual teaching in these manuals is on broad and convincing lines. It is rather a good plan occasionally to read aloud Mr. Smyth's lesson on the subject after the Bible passage has been narrated. Children are more ready to appropriate lessons that are not directly levelled at themselves; while the teacher makes the teaching her own by the interest with which she reads, the pictures and other illustrations she shows, and her conversational remarks." The study of such pictures as are here reproduced should be a valuable part of a child's education; it is no slight thing to realise how the Nativity and the visit of the Wise Men filled the imagination of the early Masters, and with what exceeding reverence and delight they dwelt upon every detail of the sacred story." volume 1, page 252 Combining Picture Study with Bible lessons will captivate your child's attention, bring beauty to each story from the Bible, and is very simple to incorporate into your daily, chief lesson. How to Teach Bible Lessons with Picture Study 1. Read the selected Bible passage for each lesson. 2. Ask the children to narrate what they have listened to as nearly as possible in the words of the Bible. 3. OPTIONAL: If you have the commentary (available for FREE online HERE or for purchase on Amazon), pre-read the lesson, and choose selected background information to share with your children. The commentary is for YOU, the teacher, not to be read directly to the children. 4. Show the children the corresponding work of art and ask them to study the artwork quietly for a few minutes; and then, the picture being removed, ask what they have seen in it. (It is a good idea, if possible, for each child to have their own print to look at.) 5. An alternative to have the children narrate what they have seen, is to give them a blank sheet of paper, and ask if they could draw, in pencil, as much of the artwork as they remember in 5-10 minutes. 6. If desired, place the artwork in a place where the children can see it throughout the day, until a new Bible Lesson is presented. But it is well to let the pictures tell their own tale. The children should study a subject quietly for a few minutes; and then, the picture being removed, say what they have seen in it. It will be found that they miss no little reverent or suggestive detail which the artist has thought well to include." Inspired by her ideas and philosophy, I have created a picture study collection to bring the Bible Stories to life for your children. Although these pictures do follow along with J. Paterson Smyth's commentary, The Highlands of Galilee, you do not have to use them to enjoy this resource. I'd love for you to check out this picture study resource in my SHOP and share how you are enjoying them in your home. The Highlands of Galilee
A Charlotte Mason Bible Lessons Picture Study Resource - A FULL YEAR Picture Study to Supplement your Bible Lessons, beginning with The Story of Christ (from birth until going to Jerusalem for crucifixion) This resource was created to bring beauty to your Bible Lessons and to stir the child's imagination as they listen to you read from the Word of God. Included in this resource is an explanation of how to use this Picture Study during Bible Lessons and 25 famous works of art, including title, artist, year, and corresponding chapters of the Bible reading. If you use J. Paterson Smyth commentaries, the corresponding lesson is also included at the bottom of each print. You do not need the commentary to enjoy these works of art. Using Picture Study in your home or Sunday School brings each lesson to life for children and allows them to take a glimpse into the life of Jesus as portrayed by famous artists. THIS IS A DIGITAL PRODUCT (PDF). Joshua and the Judges
A Charlotte Mason Bible Lessons Picture Study Resource - A FULL YEAR Picture Study to Supplement your Bible Lessons as you take your children through the books of Joshua, Judges, and the first part of 1 Samuel. This resource was created to bring beauty to your Bible Lessons and to stir the child's imagination as they listen to you read from the Word of God. Included in this resource is an explanation of how to use this Picture Study during Bible Lessons and 24 famous works of art, including title, artist, year, and corresponding chapters of the Bible reading. If you use J. Paterson Smyth commentaries, the corresponding lesson is also included at the bottom of each print. You do not need the commentary to enjoy these works of art. Using Picture Study in your home or Sunday School brings each lesson to life for children and allows them to take a glimpse into the Books of Joshua, Judges, and part of 1 Samuel as portrayed by famous artists. THIS IS A DIGITAL PRODUCT (PDF). My first collection of art work will take you through the first part of Jesus' life, from birth to His journey to Jerusalem for crucifixion. In the coming months, I will be working on the other 7 volumes, including Genesis, Exodus, Joshua & Judges, Prophets & Kings, The Road to Jerusalem, Matthew's Gospel of the Kingdom, and finally The Gospel of Mark.
Stay tuned for future releases! I'm so thrilled to be able to bring beautiful works of art into your home!